• Ruliyanta Ruliyanta Universitas Nasional
  • Idris Kusuma Universitas Nasional
  • Mohammad Fathoni Institut Teknologi Budi Utomo


Advanced Metering Infrastructure is a technology that will be implemented in Indonesia along with the current growth of information technology. Indonesia has natural conditions consisting of mountains and oceans. The problem of selecting an appropriate network to support AMI conditions in Indonesia is significant. This research will examine the benefits of various existing wireless technologies. We will examine several important parameters such as cost, range, data transfer speed, etc. The review results show it has the best potential among other communication interfaces. The advantages of LoRaWAN include comprehensive coverage, low energy consumption, low implementation costs, and extensive network scalability.


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How to Cite
Ruliyanta, R., Kusuma, I., & Fathoni, M. (2024). REVIEW OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION LAYER INTERFACE ON ADVANCED METER INFRASTRUCTURE. Journal of Advanced Computing Technology and Application (JACTA), 6(2), 40-59.